The world keeps on turning

It's true you know, no matter how important we think we are, how significant we see ourselves, the world does indeed keep on turning. From the very first dawn of time, to the day you and I came into the world. It was spinning then, and it's spinning now. There is, for me at least, a comforting, consistent, well, consistency about this. Knowing, as much as I am able, that tonight when I retire into the world of sleep, this beautiful mysterious, awe inspiring planet we call home will still be turning. When I awake, bar a intergalactic disaster, it will still be spinning. When I find myself thinking about subjects like this, my mind often wanders. It's as if I regress to a child like state of mind again. I wonder, how many times the planet has spun since the day I was born, since the planet was created even. No doubt I could ask Google for the answer.
I find myself deliberating. Does the planet ever get tired of spinning and spinning? Now, of course, there may be some who read this, and they will know the inner workings of our solar system, the science behind what it is exactly, that enables the planet to do what it does. Remaining, as I do often, in my regressed state, in my mind at least, I then wonder, is there a giant counter, somewhere out there? Recording each revolution. Is it counting down, or up? 
I like to think that it is counting up. Does that mean my glass is half full? You see, if it is counting down, to me, surely means we are nearing an impending finale for the planet. If I went along with my own counting down theory, which has only come to the surface whilst writing this, would that mean that my glass is half empty? Cracked even, or worse still, has a hole in? Of course, this is merely conjecture. 
My faith in an all loving, unfailing God tells me that I have no need to worry. But, and due to being only human, there is generally a but, what if the counter is counting down? Well, I suppose if you look at it from a beginning to end point of view, the scenario of life, it could be counting down, or it could be counting up. Day one, you are born, day 31776, you take your leave. Or vice versa. God I believe already knows how long the path he has set out for me is. He may even, possibly to amuse himself, decided to set my life out similarly to that of a map reference. As lets face it, creating the world and mankind, must have required close attention, indeed, very exacting. Point A to point B. The counter climbs, or falls like the waves of an ocean.
You see, I often think back to times in my life. Things I have said, things I have done, some I am not proud of. There are times where I have been who I know I can be, empathetic, loving, caring towards others. I believe that is who God wants me to be. 
In my regressed musings, I also wonder, as well as there being a possible counter, out there somewhere, lies a cathedral sized room, full of wheezing, clanking and clonking pipes. Hissing and shooting clouds of steam, erratically. I like to think that there is a weathered looking old man, tending to these pipes. Nursing and turning the large wheels attached to the pipes, relieving the pressure, diverting it elsewhere in the universe. A man with the kind of face whose lines can tell a story. Lines akin to those found on a map detailing a vast network of rivers.
It is but a mystery to me. A bit like the disappearance of Lamby, see blog entry it's a funny thing being a dad. For those of you who read that entry, Lamby turned up safe and well, albeit slightly damp. He / she had decided to spend a night of freedom under the trampoline!
There are times when my life can be interrupted by malfunctions, which my internal hard drive tries hard to learn from. I at times, need to remind myself to press ctrl alt and delete to access my task manager. To reset myself. Un-define myself from critical errors. Relearn to communicate the good bytes to my hard drive and delete the bad. 
Whilst I have found myself on the loose theme of computing language, I had a thought this morning whilst my wife and I were attempting to rationalise a situation with our 4 year old daughter, with no real response from her. I likened this attempt at communication with her to working with a malfunctioning computer. Regardless of the information you provide, you still get the same illogical response! 
However, from one error to another, or one small triumph to a possibly larger triumph, whether I am on day 16071, or day 31776, the world indeed, does keep on turning.

(©) Dom Giddy 2017


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