The World, the turmoil
I have not written anything for a while. In fact, looking back at my previous post, the last entry was in February.
I started the blog mainly as a platform to be able to detox my mind, to administer self therapy, enable me to find a therapeutic outlet to the daily grind and stresses of life. Previous entries have recalled moments in my life, tales of what has been. What I think makes me, well, me.
Well, me, I, am deeply saddened by the atrocities that unfolded in front of the world last night at the Manchester Arena. Another cowardly act, hiding behind the smoke and cloak of a warped sense of what the world should be. I feel I needed to write at least something to acknowledge what took place last night. I did not want to just sit and watch the news unfold, and become numb to the reality of the cruel world in which I find myself resident, without at least putting something down as a recognition, and my own sign of respect to those who have lost their lives. And to those whose families lives have been changed forever.
I know not, what makes the minds of such individuals tick. How they knowingly depart their home, fully intent on killing and maiming innocent people. For what? In the name of what? Religion? Some idealised belief that what they are doing makes the world a better place? I don't, won't see, refuse to see, how murdering innocent people, many of whom were children, can make the world better.
I don't know enough about the individual to say with any certainty that this attack was part of the Islamic State Group, or some other ideological driven organisation. I was, going to start the last sentence stating that I do not know enough about the "man" who carried out the attack, however, what man, in the truest sense of the meaning, would consummate such an action? Recreant? I feel that fits the bill more accurately.
I am angered by this attack. I am angered, that, in this, the 21st Century, some human beings are still intent on causing pain and suffering to their own kind. All because they believe in something so fervently, the only way they feel, that this belief can be forced upon others, is to murder, maim, and hurt as many as possible? I do not understand. I cannot fathom, even if I were to sit for many an hour in an attempt to search for an answer, I fear I would feel again, how I felt as a young scared teenager taking my exams, helpless, none the wiser, and totally overwhelmed.
Has nothing been learnt by the human race, lessons of the past so easily forgotten. Devastating conflicts in years gone by, lessons learnt dispersed as quickly as grains of sand scattered by the wind. Has the human race, regardless of the belief system, learnt nothing? That by having your voice heard is not to be achieved by killing each other, causing as much distress and pain as possible. How will this gain respect and an ear to the voice of your views and belief systems? I think I stand assured that it will not.
I feel lost, as a Christian, who believes in a God of love, peace and unity for all of mankind, that a another human being, has done this to his fellow kind. I know not why this amazing all loving God I believe in has not intervened. The world given free will to either believe or not and to live by following their own path, or that of God, is a truly awesome gift, but, has had, and will I fear continue to have devastating consequences, as mankind feels they have the knowledge and power to do as they please.
I am not saying that all of mankind is evil, or that if you do not share my faith or beliefs, you are not worthy of being spoken to. No, I am saying that surely, if the world as a collective, embraced the core of any religion, not just Christianity, but any religion which has peace, love and good at the centre of its very existence, will surely help this world in which I find myself, be more, well, peaceful.
(©) Dom Giddy 2017
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