The world keeps on turning
It's true you know, no matter how important we think we are, how significant we see ourselves, the world does indeed keep on turning. From the very first dawn of time, to the day you and I came into the world. It was spinning then, and it's spinning now. There is, for me at least, a comforting, consistent, well, consistency about this. Knowing, as much as I am able, that tonight when I retire into the world of sleep, this beautiful mysterious, awe inspiring planet we call home will still be turning. When I awake, bar a intergalactic disaster, it will still be spinning. When I find myself thinking about subjects like this, my mind often wanders. It's as if I regress to a child like state of mind again. I wonder, how many times the planet has spun since the day I was born, since the planet was created even. No doubt I could ask Google for the answer. I find myself deliberating. Does the planet ever get tired of spinning and spinning? Now, of course, there may be some w...