Inevitable destination
Life is a journey they say. A journey with an inevitable destination. The ultimate check out, where the lights get switched off for good...they say. Who are "they" I wonder? Are they a group of wise people haggard by time. And due to the effects of time, have creased wrinkled faces? These creases and wrinkles shooting off in varying directions similar to a map of capillaries, arteries and veins. The more observant of you may have noted, I use the term "Wise people" as opposed to "Wise men" These politically correct times in which we live, I thought it best. Although I assume the majority of the world's population agree with me on the final inevitable outcome of life's journey. T he final destination however, I imagine is one of conjecture. Many religions have varying ideas and beliefs on what happens when you reach life's final stop. Then to alight onto a newly trod platform. The below link is wiki's take on it. https://en.m.wikipedia.or...