
Showing posts from 2020

Crossroads - Another Day In Time.

  Another day in time. So, here I am again, it would seem at a crossroads in my life. To some, however, whose lives are consumed by the harsh reality of conflict, whether that be because they reside in a war zone, or because they have a very real battle within themselves, my struggle to them may seem miniscule. In fact I would have no argument with them. What I would say though, is that a struggle is a struggle to whoever is experiencing it. Indeed, it is as real as the words you see in front of you now. This I believe is why the world and each experience we go through in it is so unique and complex. No two people are the same. Even if I were to witness the same sequence of events as you, I would say that our own experience of the event would be very different. We are as unique as a diamond. We are Gods jewels and I believe he truly delights in each and every one of us. Despite our own failings and self-doubt. I am speaking more about my own lack of self-belief and failings here. A...

Inevitable destination

Life is a journey they say. A journey with an inevitable destination. The ultimate check out, where the lights get switched off for good...they say.  Who are "they" I wonder? Are they a group of wise people haggard by time. And due to the effects of time, have creased wrinkled faces? These creases and wrinkles shooting off in varying directions similar to a map of capillaries, arteries and veins.  The more observant of you may have noted, I use the term "Wise people" as opposed to "Wise men" These politically correct times in which we live, I thought it best.  Although I assume the majority of the world's population agree with me on the final inevitable outcome of life's journey. T he final destination however, I imagine is one of conjecture. Many religions have varying ideas and beliefs on what happens when you reach life's final stop. Then to alight onto a newly trod platform. The below link is wiki's take on it. https://en.m.wikipedia.or...

Faith, it's just like WI-FI!

What!? What on earth is he going on about now!? You may be asking. Faith is like wifi? Let me explain. Today is Friday 5th June 2020, or June 5th 2020 for my American readers and friends!  Nothing spectacular in it being a Friday I grant you. Fridays are often thought of as a fun day, the anticipation of the weekend ahead. Plans being made possibly for the evening to come, plans for those two days where the majority of us get to relax and wind down. Of course not everyone gets the weekend off. Police officers and support staff. NHS staff, care workers, factory workers...the list is endless. And God! There are workers who do 12 hour day and night shifts. That is a long time to be on shift or on duty.  I know this as in my early 20's I worked these hours. To be honest I really enjoyed it. Especially the night shifts. On my breaks I would go outside and listen to the silence of the night. Take in the smell of the night air. Enjoy the gentle evening breeze. I was fortunate enough ...