
Showing posts from 2019

The reality of the darkness for me.

So, here I am. Not knowing if I should share on this platform.  I want not sympathy, just a little understanding. This is so deeply personal. For those who know me well will understand that dark times and depression have been an unwanted companion of mine for many years. Some years and times better than others. For someone who could talk the humps off a camel, I find this incredibly difficult to talk about. Which is maybe why I am writing it instead. It feels less daunting I think. To write instead of say.  When you write something, you feel less vulnerable. I don't get to see the glaze over of the eyes, or awkward looks, change in conversation when the subject of mental health is broached. I have been fighting this for so long, I'm not sure I have any fight left. I'm exhausted. My mind it feels, at least for me, has been raging at some inexplicable speed for most of my life. My brain is beyond the back up generator.  On Sunday 8th December 2019 I hit a wall mentally. I a...